The 7th Continent

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  • Past:放冒險跟探險的棄卡。玩家可以查看Past裡的牌,可能在遊戲階段會回到手牌。所有玩家使用相同的Past。
  • 行動卡堆:所有玩家使用相同的行動卡
  • 棄卡堆:放行動卡的棄卡,玩家可以任意查看。所有玩家使用同一個棄牌堆。
  • 物品欄:每個玩家有自己的物品欄。遊戲開始時是空的。玩家也會有物品骰來計算手上物品的數量。


  1. 每個玩家選一個角色,然後放到手牌
  2. 玩家拿角色的模型和一個火焰模型
  3. 把Sathel & Journal卡片面朝上放在一個玩家面前。如果要玩Easy模式,放777卡片;Hardcore模式放650卡片。(見p.22)
  4. 每個玩家拿指定數量的骰子:單人4顆/2人3顆/3-4人2顆。
  5. 選擇一或多張線索卡,把它們放在S&J卡片底下。收回其他沒有用到的線索卡。一次選擇多張線索卡會使得遊戲變難--因為遊戲目的要你移除所有跟線索卡有關的詛咒。(第一次玩建議選The Voracious Goddess,編號010)
  6. 把下列的卡片混再一起洗牌,組成行動卡堆。
    • 35張一般的技能卡
    • 每個角色各五張特別的技能卡
    • 線索卡對應的詛咒卡
    • 四張標題是Death is lurking的詛咒卡。
  7. 把棄牌堆holder放在行動卡旁邊
  8. 把探險卡按照Area(I, II, III, IV等等分堆)洗牌,然後放在對應的隔間裡,foggy面朝你。
  9. 把綠色跟金色的冒險卡按照號碼排好,放在儲存區並且用有號碼的分隔卡區分。注意:同號碼的綠色卡片要放在金色卡片之前。
  10. 拿線索卡上標記的冒險卡(如果你同時有多張線索卡,以最小數字為準)。此冒險卡是你最初所在的位置。把角色放在該冒險卡上。
  11. 在起始冒險上的每一個有金色箭頭的位置放一張探索卡,背面朝上。確認它們上面的文字方向跟其他卡片一樣。這些探索卡上的羅馬數字要跟地形卡上的相同。
  12. 大聲唸出"在你開始新冒險之前,閱讀這些文字"上面的敘述,以及線索卡上正反面的文字。


  1. 選擇行動玩家:每回合選擇一名玩家當作行動玩家。若是有異議,由上次行動玩家左邊的玩家當作新的行動玩家。
  2. 檢查其他參與玩家:角色模型跟行動玩家的角色模型在同一張地形卡上的其他玩家,可以用手牌和/或物品欄裡的牌幫助行動玩家。
  3. 執行一個行動:行動玩家處理目前可以執行的行動(顯示在白色方格中)包括:
    • 角色模型所在的地形卡
    • 所在地形卡相連的探索卡
    • 所在地形卡相連的主要事件卡
    • 所在地形卡相連的隨機事件卡
    • 手上的技能、Bonus或State卡
    • 物品欄裡的物品卡
    • S&J底下的任務卡
  4. 等到行動執行後,開始新回合。
  • 注意:當有下列情況時,不能選擇該行動:
    • 其他行動正在執行中
    • 玩家無法滿足先決條件
    • 上面有階梯圖案,但是有一個或多個其他玩家無法參與。階梯圖案代表會影響所有玩家的事件,需要所有玩家一起解決。
    • 所在地型卡上的箭頭,指向一個已經被翻開的主要事件卡。這代表該行動之前已經被執行過,無法再次執行。
    • 當有白色方格外面有紅色鋸齒形狀時,代表該行動為強制行動。玩家必須先解決目前的行動,然後馬上處理強制行動。


Players may suspend and save the game at any time, as long as all character figures are on the same Terrain card and no player is performing an action or forced to take a mandatory action. 1. Discard all the cards on the Board into the Past, except for the Terrain card all characters’ figures are standing on. 2. Stack the remaining cards in the following order (from the bottom up) and put them behind the “Save” divider in the game box: a. for each character, his/her Character card, with the following cards underneath: i. all , and cards he/she has in hand; ii. for each item in their inventory, one Save card (oriented in such a way that the durability of the item appears in the upper part of the card) with the cards that the item consists of underneath it; b. the “Discard Pile” Save card, with all the cards in the Discard Pile underneath it; c. the “Action Deck” Save card, with all the cards in the Action Deck underneath it; d. the “Satchel & Journal” card, with all the Quest item cards stored under it; e. the Terrain card where figures were standing.


When you resume a game after suspending it: 1. Return all the cards in the Past to their place in their respective original deck (Adventure or Exploration); 2. Put the saved Terrain card back into play. Place the figures of all characters taking part in the adventure onto it and one Exploration card in front of each arrow; 3. Put the “Satchel & Journal” card back into play, with the cards it contains underneath it; 4. Put the Action Deck back into play; 5. Put the Discard Pile back into play; 6. Each player takes all their , and cards back in hand; 7. Each player puts the items from their inventory back into play, setting each item’s die to the value shown in the upper part of the item’s Save card; 8. Return all Save cards to the game box. You’re now ready to go again!


  1. 當你放一張地形卡時,在橘色圓形箭頭指向的地方各放一張探索卡(謎霧面朝上)
  2. 玩家可以在沒有資源的時候製造物品。資源只是用來讓製作容易。
  3. 當玩家遇到上下左右箭頭時,目標地形卡跟目前所在地型卡之間,應該要有相連且可通過的地形卡(組)。
  4. 除了有鎖頭的行動以外,其他行動可以抽超過數量的行動卡。
  5. “Success” and “Lucky 7” icons in the left strip of Skill cards are only ever taken into account when these cards are revealed during the Result step of an action.
  6. During each action, at most one involved player may take in hand at most one Skill card, regardless of the number of cards drawn and the number of players involved.
  7. If more than one player is involved in an action that is a failure, the active player must take a 100 card – therefore becoming paranoid – right after applying the consequence of the action.
  1. Quest Item(在Definition):放在S&J牌底下,玩家可以隨時在遊戲中檢查和使用它。


  • 白色方格:代表行動
  • 咖啡色方格:相關效果只能在該類型的行動中起作用
  • 藍色菱形:代表執行該行動,需要從Action Card裡面抽幾張(以上)的牌
  • 金色星形:代表Action Card上的星總和至少要幾顆
  • 紅色手:代表負面效果的State Card
  • 藍色手:Skill Card,手牌
  • 綠色手:Bonus Card,手牌
  • 書本:代表物品,放在物品欄中
  • 漏斗:隨機事件,抽到後必須馬上執行,然後棄掉該卡片
  • 白底的X:購買進階技能的費用
  • 紅色鎖頭:強制該行動使用的卡片數
  • 紅色禁止:該地形卡上不能使用以下行動:生火、製作、休息
  • x星
  • 實心星:在玩家參與行動的結果階段,必須要加入一個成功到總和中。
  • 7:在玩家參與行動的結果階段,有七符號的代表可以把7星當作一個星
  • 7星:參考7。其他時候無效果。
  • 白色背景文字欄:行動成功時的效果
  • 黑色背景文字欄:行動失敗時的效果
  • 白色菱形->綠色菱形:結束後,棄掉這張探索卡,換成對應的冒險卡。
  • 綠色菱形->黃色菱形:移除這張綠色卡,換成同號碼的金色卡。
  • 上下左右箭頭:所有參與角色把模型移動同一張接到的地形卡。
  • 藍旗紫旗:可以選擇要拿原數字的卡片;或是你手上有卡片(通常是物品)上有旗子+數字,可以拿卡片號碼+該數字的卡片。
  • -黑底X:Unless otherwise stated, the involved characters must remove a total of X pips, as chosen by themselves, across the values of the dice resting on their items. When an item’s durability goes down to zero, it is discarded.
  • 紅色大叉在藍色菱形上:玩家必須為了手上的每一張State卡棄掉行動卡堆頂端的一張牌。


  1. 冒險卡:綠色和黃色的卡
    • 地形卡
    • 永久事件
    • 暫時事件:事件結束後棄卡
    • 物品
    • 任務物品
    • State
    • Bonus
  2. 探險卡
  3. 行動卡:包含技能卡跟詛咒卡
  4. 角色卡
  5. Satchel & Journal卡
  6. 線索卡
  7. 儲存卡





1. 物品階段

Each player involved in the action may use one or more items from their inventory, by removing 1 pip from the value of the die resting on each used item (no matter how many Item cards the item consists of). If that value reaches zero, the die is removed. For each item used this way, the player will be able to apply – at most once during the action – some or all of the effects of one or more Item cards it consists of, provided a 褐色 icon associated with the effect matches the 白色 current action.


2. 費用階段

a. The active player determines the cost of the action:

  • The default number of cards to draw from the Action Deck (shown in the X+ blue diamond to the right of the action icon);
  • If more than one player is involved in the action, they may decide to lower the cost of the action by any number ( -X cards to draw) and, on the other hand, increase the difficulty of the action by the same amount( +X required successes). This option is not available if the 紅色鎖頭 icon is associated with the action;
  • Each player involved in the action may apply the effects of one or more cards from their hand, of one or more Item cards from their inventory used during step 1 (Item), of one or more Permanent event cards attached to the Terrain card their figure is standing on, and/or of one or more Quest item cards, in order to decrease the

number of cards to be drawn.

a. 行動玩家決定行動的費用:

  • 從行動牌堆裡抽預設數量的卡片;
  • 如果有超過一個玩家參與此行動,可以決定要減少行動費用(cost),但相對要提高等量的困難度(success)。如果行動上有紅色鎖頭則不能修改。
  • 每個參與行動的玩家,可以使用手牌一或多張卡片,或是物品欄裡一或多個物品,或是跟此地形上有關的主要任務卡,以及/或是一或多張任務物品卡。用來減少需要抽的卡片數量。

b. The active player draws a number of Action cards equal to the final cost of the action and places them face down in front of him/her.


  • The active player may draw additional Action cards if they wish to boost their chances of succeeding, unless the action has a icon. Any such additional cards are placed face down next to those previously drawn.
  • 抽卡的順序,越後面的牌面朝下放在前一張牌的底下。
  • cost最低是0,不會低於0
  • 一般抽牌時遇到curse牌不會有影響。當action deck空了以後,把棄牌堆洗牌組成新的棄牌堆,之後從棄牌堆裡抽牌,抽到curse牌時,遊戲立刻結束且玩家(們)失敗。

3. 處理階段

Now, the active player reveals all the cards drawn during step 2.b:

  • If a Curse card is revealed and it has been drawn from the Discard Pile while the Action Deck is empty, the game ends immediately and players lose.
  • Otherwise, total the successes you have obtained:
    • Count the successes represented as full gold stars. You may freely combine any half-stars visible on the revealed cards as long as both their cards are facing the same way, in order to construct full gold stars.
    • Each player involved in the action may apply the effects of one or more cards from their hand, of one or more Item cards from their inventory used during step 1 (Item), of one or more Permanent event cards attached to the Terrain card their figure is standing on, and/or of one or more Quest item cards, in order to obtain additional successes.

If the active player obtains at least as many successes as required by the action, the action is a success. Otherwise, it is a failure.

4. 技能階段


5. 棄牌階段


6. 結果階段

7. 手牌上限階段



藍1 藍2 藍3 藍4 藍5 藍6
1星+ 55% 88% 97% 99% 99% 99%
2星+ 6% 45% 75% 90% 97% 99%
3星+ 2% 14% 39% 65% 82% 91%
4星+ 2% 14% 34% 55% 72%
5星+ 3% 12% 27% 45%
6星+ 1% 4% 11% 22%
7星+ 1% 3% 9%








ELIMINATED CHARACTER A character is eliminated if the applicable consequence of an action they are involved in states “Your adventure is over”. In this case, the player must:

  • discard all the Skill and Bonus cards they have

in hand;

  • discard all the Item cards in their inventory

(they may not swap and/or give them with/to another player);

  • return all the State cards they have in hand and

banish all Skill cards showing their character's face (whether they are in the Action Deck or in the Discard Pile).

The player may continue the adventure with a new character (see “Join a game in progress” below).


  • 離開遊戲:如果玩家不再加入,參考角色死亡的說明。否則的話,先看手上的物品有沒有其他玩家需要,然後把所有該角色相關的技能卡從行動卡堆及/或棄牌堆裡移除(手牌或物品欄裡的保留)。其他玩家的物品欄如果有此角色相關的技能卡可以保留到棄牌為止。



When there is not enough room on the table to put a card into play, all characters must meet on the same Terrain card and then players must return the Terrain cards of their choice, along with the Permanent event cards attached to them, making sure that all remaining Terrain cards are reachable. The remaining cards are repositioned to the center of the table. If applicable, players must put new Exploration cards into play in every empty adjacent space an arrow on a Terrain card points towards.

